Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

Having owned my own business for the past 20 years, I am seldom told what to do or how to do my job. This can be a very gratifying aspect of being your own boss. However, this also means that when you make business decisions that fail, the only one to blame is yourself. I have expressed to so many over the years that my success is not due to decisions I have made correctly, but more often learning from the ones I made incorrectly. Raising two young girls, I often share lessons I have learned from making both good and bad choices. I convey to them that life can be a cruel teacher; she gives us the test first and the lessons come later. If I can shield my daughters from making some of the same mistakes I have made, then I have succeeded in turning a negative into a positive. Regardless, we will all still make our own mistakes no matter how hard we try not to.

A slice of Sweet Humble Pie

This brings me to last week. In my spare time, I volunteer as both a head coach and commissioner in my daughter’s softball league. It has been one of my greatest pleasures to not only coach her team(s), but to also be able to work with other young kids and their parents who also volunteer their time. I have found what is most satisfying about doing this is that we all seem to be the best versions of ourselves when we are around our kids. It is such a pleasure to see the side of people that their children look up to.

Now, if you are a parent who coaches or has a child who plays in competitive sports, you have likely seen a few parents display some eye rolling behavior. Last week, while coaching my daughters game, I was that exact parent. I displayed behavior that was not only unbecoming of a parent, but also as a head coach and acting league commissioner. Now, I won’t go into specifics, but what I will say is that it involved poor communication and a lapse in judgment. The language I used was nothing a child hasn’t heard from a Disney film, but inappropriate none the less.

This action set into motion several reactions that ultimately lead to my being on the receiving end of a one game (deserved) suspension.

So what are the lessons am I reminded of from this and how can I convey them to my children (and you)?

1. Control Your Emotions: Don’t ever allow your personal feeling towards another person to cloud your judgment. Doing so, your response will come from a place that is steeped in negativity that will not yield a positive outcome.
2. Be Kind: No matter the disagreement, always be respectful to one another. Talking down or disrespectfully to another person only confuses the true purpose of the disagreement.
3. Be Accountable: When you are wrong, the hardest thing to do is admit it. We all make mistakes. Owning up to your mistakes will strengthen your character and allow for self-reflection and growth.

The incident last week, was not my proudest moment as a husband, father or coach, however, the way in which I handled the aftermath of this is something I can hold my head high about and use as a teachable moment for myself, my children and my players. As it is said, “Good judgment comes from experience and often, experience come from bad judgment.”

I have grown from this experience and I know my girls learned an important lesson. At a time when our country is divided so bitterly, our children need to continue to see the best of us. I hope this message can serve as a reminder to you before you allow emotion to cloud your judgment.

Sprain vs. Strain; What’s the Difference?

Sprain vs. Strain; What’s the Difference? So you think you might have sprained or strained something. How do you know which it is, and does it matter? You’ve heard the two terms your entire life, but did you know that there is not only a major difference between them, there are also varying grades and…

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Complimentary Consultations for Members

As we unveil the newest membership perk at The Boston Bodyworker, our Recovery Lounge, we wanted to reach out to our members to introduce them to one of its many features; Me! As the owner of The Boston Bodyworker, my goal is to help people ‘feel better’. However, that means different things to all of…

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Life Hack: Vagus Nerve Stimulation

As I discussed in our March Newsletter, Vagus nerve stimulation has the potential to help those suffering from various health conditions, including but certainly not limited to anxiety disorders, heart disease, some forms of cancer, poor circulation, leaky gut syndrome, Alzheimer’s, memory and mood disorders, migraines and headaches, fibromyalgia, obesity, tinnitus, addiction, autism and autoimmune…

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Sleep In This Weekend

Raise your hand if your sleepy right now? Great! Now, put your hand down because your boss is wondering why you’re raising a hand at work. Even if you can’t physically acknowledge that you are sleepy, we have some exciting news that we know you’ll want to stay awake for. It turns out, that getting…

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30 Day Challenges

Over the past few years, I have been seeing and uptick in these 30 day challenges. Being in the industry as long as I have, I immediately have issue with any workout that is done every day. The science is as clear as crystal. The days off are where the magic of tissue remodeling and…

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Life Hack: Close Your Windows

If you suffer from season allergies, then this season is said to be the worst for many of you in a long time. I won’t get into the debate about climate change and how it is said to have an impact on the latest seasonal allergy warnings. I’ll try to keep this hack as simple…

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The Power of Suggestion

We have all heard the term “Placebo”. A placebo is a treatment that decreases symptoms only because the client imagines a benefit, not because the treatment itself has any effect. For example, a sugar pill can be a placebo that will improve a headache only if the person taking the pill has an expectation that…

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Is All Knee Pain Created Equal?

As a massage therapist, it is outside our scope of practice to diagnose any condition we see. However, that does not prevent us from evaluating, assessing and working off this information. Often, we have patients who come in with a “google-osis”, meaning they just googled something like “knee pain” looked for whatever symptoms seemed to…

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Members Recovery Lounge

At The Boston Bodyworker, we are constantly motivated to honor our mission to help you “Feel Better”. Coming this April, we are delighted to unveil our newest membership advantage; our Recovery Lounge. Members will enjoy a dedicated space….exclusive access to a private/semi-private room that has been transformed into a place for you to arrive early…

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Life Hack: Yellow Mustard to Reduce Cramps

Runners are always seeking an edge, especially on race days. Well, the biggest running race of the season is creeping up quickly and the only thing that will creep up faster are cramps along the marathon route. Have no fear, we have a simple solution for you; Yellow Mustard! That’s right, mustard Seeds of its…

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