Cheers To Summer!
Last week I was fortunate to score a couple of last minute tickets to the Sox vs. Yanks game. As I was heading into Fenway with my 7 year old daughter along Storrow for a beautiful night at the ball park, traffic came to a sudden stop in a place where those of us who drive this road know that there is only one reason why; an oversized truck on the road. Fast math reinforced my thought when I realized it was ‘moving day’ for college kids. Doh!
Whether you are like me and have kids headed back to school or you are simply one of the lucky ones to live in and around Boston, a small city with over 73 colleges and universities, you can understand the stress that September brings. If the reality slap of ‘back to school’ sales and pumpkin lattes already being served don’t deject you, the migration of 300k students and traffic jams on the Pike will surely get under your skin. They scream to us that summer vacation is officially over!
Instead of feeling miserable about how quickly summer breezed by, I would like to suggest an elixir that will help settle the nerves and take the edge of the increased minutes to your commute and the shorter hours of sunshine. Hopefully this will ease the transition into my favorite season in New England; Fall.
Here is a simple recipe for Apple Cranberry Sangria. I suggest making this either the night before or prior to leaving for work so it is ready to pour when you arrive at home.
- 1 bottle white wine
- 1/2 cup apple juice
- 1 cup fresh cranberries
- 1 apple, chopped into small pieces
Add all ingredients to a tall pitcher and stir. Cover and chill for at least 4 hours.