Life Hack: Holiday Savior (No, not him)

Yes, we all love this time of year. What’s not to love about presents and days off? The rest of the baggage that comes with it. I thought that this month I would offer you some solutions to take some of the stress out of your annual hair pulling that precedes the gift giving. Our friends at Mashable have come up with a list of 25 hacks that are certain to take the chill out of the holiday season.

Here are just a few of the gems you will find on this list:

1. Place a mailing label on gift cards to track the amount left
2. Make your house smell festive by boiling some water with some clove and cinnamon.
3. Wrap your tree in plastic wrap at the end of the season instead of pulling it all apart.
4. Use a zip tie to hang ornaments…and more

Click here for the full list of holiday life hacks!