A Pound of Feathers

Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?

As kids we may have been to naïve to think that a brick and a feather could weigh the same, but the reality we all embrace is that a pound will always equal a pound. The same logic holds true when you consider the ‘muscle weighs more than fat’ argument. I hear this one all the time from both patients and professionals alike that the reason they are not losing any weight is because they have so much muscle and since it weighs MORE than fat, losing weight is simply harder to do.

Well, no. Not really. Not even a little bit. A pound of muscle is equal to a pound of fat. No doubt about it. The truth is that Muscle has a much greater density than fat, meaning it takes up less volume than an equal mass of fat. This explains why it’s possible to get visibly slimmer without a significant drop in weight.

weigh fatWhen trying to fight the battle of the bulge, something to always consider is appearance and the way clothes fit, rather than a number on a scale.

It’s possible to look and feel trimmer even if body weight remains the same. Of course, it’s also possible to weigh the same, but look and feel fatter. This is especially evident among the elderly, as muscles tend to shrink with age because damaged muscle cells are repaired at a much slower rate than when they were young. When you factor in reduced physical activity, as we get older, the ratio of muscle to fat tends to decrease.

The bottom line is what we all know already. Too much fat can lead to increase risk for coronary diseases, strokes and diabetes. Determining your target for your ideal muscle to fat ratio can be challenging. Too little fat can cause reproductive dysfunction in woman. Ultimately, we need to find a balance that fits our own needs. So while the hours on the treadmill or at cross fit don’t seem to be making the numbers diminish on that fancy scale you splurged on, use the old fashioned method of a mirror and a notebook that can track your gains in strength and stamina. You will be certain to see the very best you have to offer.

May Flowers-Life Hack

April Showers Bring 5 Flower Hacks What do you get when you combine soda, vodka, apple cider vinegar, hair spray & bleach?  Some incredible ways to preserve your flowers this season. Sure, April showers bring May flowers, but mother nature went a tad over board with it this April.  So how well are you prepared…

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#FeelBetterBoston Recap

#FeelBetterBoston Recap The inaugural #FeelBetterBoston Massage & Community Wellness event over Marathon weekend left people with a smile on their face and genuine appreciation for all that was provided. We knew this being the first time we held such an event that we would be competing with the likes of the infamous BAA Expo and other…

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How Do You Roll??

How Do You Roll?? Are Foam Rolling Advocates Stretching the Truth? Foam rolling is one of the most common means of self-care for so many people.  It has been thought to provide many benefits such as enhanced performance, improved flexibility and speed, pain reduction and muscle recovery. Often it is referred to as a self-massage technique,…

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On the Mend

On the Mend As we quickly approach the holy grail of running events, the Boston Marathon, we start to see a rise in our battered and beaten road warriors.  Overuse conditions from months of increased training, acute injuries from falls on slippery roads and chronic aches and pains, all result in the patient surrendering to…

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Life Hack: Watch the SB LIII on TV, but LISTEN on the Radio

Life Hack: Watch the SB LIII on TV, but LISTEN on the Radio So, our beloved Pats are back in the big game again. I’m not going to relay stats and numbers that drive home the dynasty known as the New England Patriots. We are all aware of them. However, if you want to enjoy…

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Cortisone Injections: Yay or Ney?

Cortisone Injections: Yay or Ney? As massage therapists, we often see patients who have been struggling to find an answer for a particular pain problem. Some of these cases are acute (sudden onset) where others may be chronic (reoccurring over a long period of time). It is not uncommon to have a patient ask us…

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Chiropractic Care at The Boston Bodyworker

Chiropractic Care at The Boston Bodyworker We are excited to announce the arrival of Dr. Jean Kelly of Momentum Healthcare to our office. Dr. Kelly has been practicing in our building for the past 10 years and has been a friend to The Boston Bodyworker for almost 20 years. We are honored to have her…

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Spine Health: Don’t Ignore It!

Spine Health: Don’t Ignore It! The new year always provides us with the feeling of having a clean slate. Let’s face it, most of us don’t take very good care of our spines. 2019 can be the year that your resolutions come true. This lack of care can lead to physical discomfort and make us…

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Life Hack: Drink Tea

Life Hack: Drink Tea With the rainiest and most dreary Fall in recent time behind us and winter now in full swing, the need for us to provide optimal care for ourselves is high. Despite American’s love affair with coffee, tea is really the more versatile of the beverages. Most of us reach for a…

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Life Hack: Forward Head Posture

Life Hack: Forward Head Posture How many times in the course of a day do you roll your shoulders and neck around to alleviate “the spot” in between your shoulder blades. There are several reasons for the discomfort you are experiencing, but one way to resolve this is to do what is known as a…

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