Adding Insults to a Common Injury

Tis the season for new and strange feelings for our courageous runners as the Boston Marathon draws near. After contending with what has seemed to be an endless winter, runners are starting to realize that their bodies are nearing their limits. Aches and pains start to creep up unexpectedly and terms like ‘Shin Splints’, ‘ITB Syndrome’ and ‘runners knee’ are heard around watercoolers (perhaps a nice reprieve from the politics). Unfortunately, the squeaky wheels get the grease. They get all the buzz, but what about names like ‘Pes Anserine Bursitis’? It gets no respect.

pes anserinusThat a mouth full. The Pes Anserinus, refers to the conjoined tendons of three muscles that insert onto the front and inside surface of the upper medial aspect of the tibia. The muscles are the sartorius, gracilis and semitendinosus. Pes Anserinus actually means ‘Goose Foot’, referring to the way the three tendons lay. Deep to these structure you will find a bursa, a fluid filled sac that is designed to limit the tendons from rubbing against the bone. When overuse of these muscles reaches maximum load, the bursa becomes inflamed and pain is typically felt over that area. The condition is actually more common in runners than they know. Often, it is misdiagnosed both professionally and via ‘Dr. Google’ as ‘Runners Knee’, a throw away name that gets all the glory for random knee (area) pain.

Fortunately, if properly assessed, it can be treated. The hard part most of our runners have this time of year is doing the number one thing that would help alleviate much of the problem, rest. Alas, all is not lost. There are many other rehab solutions that can be (almost) as helpful. Obviously, massage and kinesiology taping are what we recommend. But, we don’t like to encourage our runners to come running to us every time they hurt. Typically, a little stretching, a proper cool down and some self-massage to the belly of the muscles I mentioned above, can be helpful. You can also try to limit your training to flat areas. Ascending and descending hills, even the small ones can limit the load. The worst thing you can do is to ignore it. If your goal is to take a ‘right on Hereford and a left on Boylston’, don’t bail on your body. Listen and take the time to prepare it for Marathon Monday. As always, we are here for you if you need us.

May Flowers-Life Hack

April Showers Bring 5 Flower Hacks What do you get when you combine soda, vodka, apple cider vinegar, hair spray & bleach?  Some incredible ways to preserve your flowers this season. Sure, April showers bring May flowers, but mother nature went a tad over board with it this April.  So how well are you prepared…

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#FeelBetterBoston Recap

#FeelBetterBoston Recap The inaugural #FeelBetterBoston Massage & Community Wellness event over Marathon weekend left people with a smile on their face and genuine appreciation for all that was provided. We knew this being the first time we held such an event that we would be competing with the likes of the infamous BAA Expo and other…

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How Do You Roll??

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On the Mend

On the Mend As we quickly approach the holy grail of running events, the Boston Marathon, we start to see a rise in our battered and beaten road warriors.  Overuse conditions from months of increased training, acute injuries from falls on slippery roads and chronic aches and pains, all result in the patient surrendering to…

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Life Hack: Watch the SB LIII on TV, but LISTEN on the Radio

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Cortisone Injections: Yay or Ney?

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Chiropractic Care at The Boston Bodyworker

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Spine Health: Don’t Ignore It!

Spine Health: Don’t Ignore It! The new year always provides us with the feeling of having a clean slate. Let’s face it, most of us don’t take very good care of our spines. 2019 can be the year that your resolutions come true. This lack of care can lead to physical discomfort and make us…

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Life Hack: Drink Tea

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Life Hack: Forward Head Posture

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