Cheers to More Energy, Mental Clarity and Focus in 2015!

Anne TurnbullThe following post is contributed by Anne Turnbull. Ann is a global business development leader with Max International, a company in the forefront of glutathione research and development. She is a frequent presenter to audiences in Canada, US and Africa and is passionate about spreading the word about the importance of glutathione for good health. Anne and Drew have presented together at several conventions throughout North America.

The new year is a great time to take stock of our health…if we’re healthy, we want to stay that way, and if we’ve had health challenges, there’s nothing we want more than to feel great through 2015. Many of us begin to think about what we can do to help our health goals for the year ahead.

If you were a contestant on Jeopardy or Family Feud and had to answer the question “What are the Keys to Good Health” you would probably respond with answers like proper water, nutrition, sleep, exercise, maintaining healthy weight, and managing stress. And you would be correct! But one answer that many people may miss… is Glutathione. Glutathione (think of “glue your thigh on”) is the body’s miracle molecule, produced naturally in every single one of the trillions of cells in our body, and it is critical for good health.

Glutathione is our body’s master antioxidant, master detoxifier, booster of the immune system, and reduces cellular inflammation. It is almost impossible to overstate the importance of glutathione for our health. When we have higher glutathione levels, we have better energy, greater mental clarity and focus, reduced aches and pains, better sleep, greater athletic performance and recovery, and a strengthened immune system. Glutathione also helps to reduce the effects of stress, and to slow down the aging process (I vote for that!).

focusHere’s the bad news. Our glutathione levels naturally start to decline around the age of 20, about 10% to 15% per decade. And toxins, UV exposure, stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, heavy exercise, infections and other factors can cause glutathione to decline even faster. Low glutathione is associated with over 70 diseases and health challenges, including Cancer, MS, Heart & Stroke disease, IBD, Arthritis, ADD/ADHD, Autism, Migraines, Parkinson’s, Obesity, and many more. If you have a chronic condition of almost any kind, chances are you have low glutathione.

So if we understand how important glutathione is for good health, and that we are losing it as we age, how can we get more of it? One of the challenges is that our bodies cannot absorb glutathione, even though you can find glutathione pills on the health food shelves. So don’t waste your money on glutathione pills because they won’t do any good. Some integrative health practitioners will treat with intravenous glutathione, but the effects are short lived, and the high cost and inconvenience of being hooked up to an IV for an hour or two several times a week make IV glutathione not the ideal option for most. There are ways that we can boost our glutathione, including bathing in ice water (no thank you), eating foods that are rich in sulfur such as garlic, onions, cabbage, broccoli and kale, or taking various natural supplements that will help give the body what it needs to produce more of its own glutathione.

When we think about our health for 2015, keeping glutathione at optimum levels sounds like a New Year’s resolution worth making, doesn’t it? Do you want to make 2015 the year that you take control of your long-term health? Is this going to be the year that you resolve to be healthy by taking a focused approach of building your body from the inside out? Learn how glutathione can be the igniter to all of your goals for 2015 and beyond.

glutathione max atp

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