Life Hack: Vagus Nerve Stimulation

As I discussed in our March Newsletter, Vagus nerve stimulation has the potential to help those suffering from various health conditions, including but certainly not limited to anxiety disorders, heart disease, some forms of cancer, poor circulation, leaky gut syndrome, Alzheimer’s, memory and mood disorders, migraines and headaches, fibromyalgia, obesity, tinnitus, addiction, autism and autoimmune conditions.

So how can we stimulate this nerve to ensure that this nerve is functioning optimally? Here are 19 ways you can exercise and stimulate your vagus nerve:

1. Cold Showers
2. Singing or Chanting
3. Gargling
4. Yoga
5. Meditation
6. Deep Breathing Exercises
7. Laughter
8. Probiotics
9. Exercise
10. Fasting
11. Tai Chi
12. Fish Oils
13. Tongue Depressor
14. Serotonin
15. Tensing stomach muscles
16. Eating in a relaxed sate
17. Chewing food well
18. Acupuncture
19. Massage

The function that it imparts is extensive.
• In the brain itself, it helps control anxiety and mood.
• In the gut, it increases stomach acidity, gut flow/motility and other digestive enzyme production. Low stomach acid is a major source of gut-related health conditions so an underactive vagus nerve is correlated to the root cause of many health conditions.
• In the heart, it controls heart rate variability, heart rate and blood pressure.
• In the pancreas it controls blood sugar balance and digestive enzymes.
• In the liver it controls bile production and detoxification through hepatic phase 1 and phase 2 conjugation.
• In the gallbladder it controls bile release to help break down fats.
• In the kidneys, it promotes general function including water balance, glucose control and sodium excretion which helps control blood pressure.
• In the bladder it controls voiding of urine.
• In the spleen it helps to reduce inflammation.
• In the sex organs it helps to control fertility and sexual pleasure including orgasms.
• In the mouth and tongue, it helps to control ability to taste and saliva production through salivary gland control.
• In the eyes, it activates tear production through the lacrimal glands.

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