Stay In Your Lane

With the marathon fast approaching, we like to communicate to our runners who have been training throughout the winter, a few tips to help them complete the marathon and receive their metal in front of our office at 26.3.

Contain Yourself!
When the race begins and the you make your way through the corals, it’s very easy to start out fast and run with the pack. Even though you may be surround by 1000’s of others who are just as awesome as you are, running is a solo sport. Embrace your training. The sooner you find your personal cadence, the better off you will be. Don’t let your adrenaline and the abundance of energy around you push you out of the gate too fast. Failure to contain the urge to surge may result in failed nutrition and potential cramping as the race unfolds.

If you Fail to Prepare, You are Preparing to Fail!
Although many think that running a marathon is sign of great physical prowess, they would be mistaken. As you have learned over these past months, running long distances is a greater mental and nutritional challenge. Failure to have a strong mindset and nutrition plan will be any distance runners demise. Make sure you are following your mental endurance plan as well as fueling your body appropriately along the way. Avoid any ‘handouts’ on the road. Now is not the time to experiment with anything.

Be an Onion!
One of, if not the hardest part of training for Boston is knowing what running clothes work best for you. The winters here can be unforgiving as well as unseasonal at times. Not knowing what marathon day weather will be with any great certainty can be stressful when determining your wardrobe for race day. Head over to a thrift store and grab some layers. As the sunrises in the east and the start approaches, you can peel back layers and toss them aside without care. Amazing volunteers come around with bags and pick up clothing that go right back to those same wonderful thrift stores.

You made it! The long run is behind you now. You’re through all your training. Now it’s time to embrace this journey and head for Copley. Stay in YOUR lane and we will be cheering loudly at 26.3 as they drape that illustrious medallion around your neck. We hope these tips help you navigate this magical Monday. We leave you with this Irish proverb and send lots of well wishes for a safe marathon.

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand

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