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The Buzz

"This place is legit, I've only ever had AMAZING massages here. I'm a runner and consistently have tight muscles in my legs from high mileage so I use Boston Bodyworker as maintenance to prevent injury by getting monthly massages. I like deep tissue massage because I think it's most effective, so this place is perfect for me. It's obvious all the staff have a deep understanding of how muscles function because they always find the tight muscles and work them out, and even use active release. So I feel like I'm getting a massage and PT session. Love it."-Sarah

Life Hack: Beach Fit(ted)

As a massage therapist, my super power is not in my fingers. It is the ability to fold a fitted sheet to look like a flat sheet. Alas, it can’t save lives or end world hunger, but it does garner a respectful nod from many an observer. So, this month, I will convey a life…

You Scream. They Scream. We ALL Scream about Sun Screen!

Being that this is a mid summer newsletter, I hope this information doesn’t reach you too late. Unless you have been living in a dark cave for the past 20 years, you have likely read that we should be applying sun screen if we plan on being in the sun (especially if you’ve been living…

Spasms Cramp Your Training

In last month’s newsletter, we discussed how to address muscle cramps when they occur. This month, I want to take a step back and potentially alert you to the larger question surrounding cramping. WHY do we get muscle cramps? The popular belief is that muscle cramps are more common during exercise in the heat because…

Life Hack: Watermelon; A Slice of summer

Summer time is watermelon time. Not too many fruits can invoke a ‘feeling’ quite the way watermelon can. Have you ever seen a sad person eating watermelon? Me neither. There are many ways to slice a watermelon, so we thought we would share a couple of videos that demonstrated some quick and effective ways to…

Cramps Suck

Leg cramps can be frustrating. We have all experienced them at the most inopportune times. However, this may not be as unavoidable as one thinks. Sure, you stretched before your ran (everyone does…wink-wink). Conceding that you do actually take the time to stretch before you run, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still experience a leg cramp.…

Perfect Posture is a False Expectation

Take a moment to google ‘posture’ and you will likely be hit with 1000’s of sites that will tell you what you need to fix. You’re ‘over pronating’ when you run. Your arms cross your midline. You’re are knocked kneed. Your spine is curved (scoliosis). All of these so called biomechanical and postural ‘dysfunctions’ are…

Life Hack: Coo Coo for Coconut Oil

This month’s Life Hack is a long time coming. I have been hearing all the buzz about ‘Coconut oil can do this’ and ‘You should use coconut oil for that’. Turns out that coconut oil is to the oil family what duct tape is to the tape family. I never thought I would ever use…

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

Having owned my own business for the past 20 years, I am seldom told what to do or how to do my job. This can be a very gratifying aspect of being your own boss. However, this also means that when you make business decisions that fail, the only one to blame is yourself. I…

Don’t Believe Everything You Read

Managing an evidenced based practice is an ever-changing landscape. We must constantly be seeking out the best treatment methodologies that will allow our patients the most effective care. This can mean that a referral to another professional is what is best for our patients. Massage is one of the many modalities that is utilized when…

Boston Bodyworker Massage Therapist to Ride from Boston to Providence in AIDS Benefit Bike Ride

Our very own Will McNiece will be riding in this year’s Aids Ride. Please help us in supporting him and this important charity. Hello, My name is Will and I’ve been a practicing LMT at the Boston Bodyworker for the past two years. In September, I will be participating in a one day bike ride…