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Ready to #Feelbetter?

The Buzz

"This place is legit, I've only ever had AMAZING massages here. I'm a runner and consistently have tight muscles in my legs from high mileage so I use Boston Bodyworker as maintenance to prevent injury by getting monthly massages. I like deep tissue massage because I think it's most effective, so this place is perfect for me. It's obvious all the staff have a deep understanding of how muscles function because they always find the tight muscles and work them out, and even use active release. So I feel like I'm getting a massage and PT session. Love it."-Sarah

Life Hack: Jump into Spring

We are in peak season now for burning off some of that winter weight. It’s understandable that the weight gain was for your personal survival through the harsh New England winters. You should be commended for such shrewd instincts. #WickedSmaht 😉 Tis the season for shedding these unwanted pounds, yet in the age of instant…

Get Back in the Saddle

With the town still nursing its annual marathon hangover, it’s easy to forget the rest of us who choose to push pedals instead of pounding pavement. As much as we have a love affair with our marathoners, we also have so many of you who opt for a day of riding over running. Tis the…

Ice Science is Hot Stuff

One of the most common questions we get is; “Should I use ice or heat?” Despite all the information readily available from “Dr. Google”, people remained confused about what is the best approach. It’s really no wonder that there is still such a divide to what seems to be a straight forward question. Either ice…

Life Hack: So Sweet

It’s coming up on Strawberry season and if your family is like mine, we can’t get enough of them. They make for a great treat and are refreshingly sweet (especially with some cool whip). That said, most of us have been cutting off more than we need to when removing the stems. Try this simple…

Walk the Walk

April is here, which means the marathon is just around the corner. You’ve likely seen runners preparing for the big day, cruising up and down Commonwealth Ave. Your co-workers who are participating are sharing their training war stories and likely hitting you up for donations. It’s almost as bad as girl scout cookie season. All…

Stay In Your Lane

With the marathon fast approaching, we like to communicate to our runners who have been training throughout the winter, a few tips to help them complete the marathon and receive their metal in front of our office at 26.3. Contain Yourself! When the race begins and the you make your way through the corals, it’s…

Life Hack: So THAT’S What It’s For!

With the marathon coming up next month, runners are trying to get any advantage they can. Here’s one that requires no extra training. It may even help you feel more secure as you make your way toward the big day! Have you ever wonder what the deal was with that extra hole on the top…

Teachable Moments

Boston is once again home to another Championship? What are some of the underlying messages behind the past 15 years of success we’ve witnessed? Having grown up in New England in the 70’s & 80’s, championships were witnessed then as they are now in every other part of the country; infrequently. Since 2001, this city…

Marathon Tips

With the Boston Marathon just around the corner, we are seeing a lot more runners starting to filter through our doors. We know that training for a marathon is hard enough, but having to dodge, turn, parry and spin from possible injuries makes matters even more arduous. Here are just a few simple tips to…

Snow Shoveling Tips

The weather forecast is calling for upwards of one foot of snow, and it could possibly be a wet, heavy snow. We hope these tips will be helpful in preventing injuries. Please be safe if you’ll be shoveling large driveways and walkways!