Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

Do you recall the days in college that you would brew a pot of coffee to get through the occasional all nighter? Today, you have an endless supply of vices to curb that ‘energy fix’ we all crave. From Red Bull to Death Wish coffee (yes, that’s an actual brand), you can all get your fix for energy at a moments notice. The question you may be failing to ask yourself is “at what risk am I prepared to ingest these elixir’s?”

First of all, if you are reading this and are thinking, “I don’t ever drink energy drinks, I just drink coffee”, news flash, COFFEE is the number one energy drink on the market today. There are legalized dealers selling it on every corner. I do not say this to cast judgment, I enjoy my daily k-cup every morning. I state this only because ‘denial’ is not a river that flows through Egypt. The average energy drink has 80 mgs of caffeine compared to a venti Starbucks that has 415 mgs (we haven’t even added your sugar yet).

red bullSo why doesn’t everyone just drink coffee if the caffeine is the magic stimulant? Because, it’s not. Manufactures make claims that drinking their products will ‘enhance your endurance and performance’, but any boost you get is mostly from the caffeine and the sugar. It is the combination of caffeine and sugar combined with other ‘nutrients’ such as taurine, ephedrine, ginseng, and b-vitamins (to name just a few) combined with the marketing power of the words “nutritional supplement” that attract so many into a false reality of actually creating new energy AND getting their Flintstone’s too.

Caffeine works by blocking the effects of adenosine, a brain chemical involved in sleep. When caffeine blocks adenosine, it causes neurons in the brain to fire. Thinking the body is in an emergency, the pituitary gland initiates the body’s “fight or flight” response by releasing adrenaline. This hormone makes the heart beat faster and the eyes dilate. It also causes the liver to release extra sugar into the bloodstream for energy. Caffeine affects the levels of dopamine, a chemical in the brain’s pleasure center. All of these physical responses make you feel as though you have more energy.

Is drinking coffee bad for you? Nope. Scientists can agree that less than 200 mgs/day is not only safe, but it could have potential benefits such as increased alertness, fighting off headaches, improve metabolism, great pre-workout boost and may even help to prevent Alzheimer’s and other diseases. Just keep in mind that we can get caffeine from more than just coffee. It is also found in teas, chocolates and sodas, so the milligrams can add up quickly.

When you consider that when you drink an “energy” drink, it either already has sugar in it or you are adding to it (coffee), you are ingesting about as much sugar as 5 or 6 Krispy Kreme donuts and upwards of 200 mgs of caffeine, all for a “high” that likely won’t last an hour, and a crash that will make you angrier than a kid who can’t go trick or treating, is it really worth the health risks involved? Are potential side effects such as seizures, diabetes, cardiac abnormalities and drastic behavioral changes worth the risk? Just because it’s legal, doesn’t make it safe, especially in young adolescents who are usually unaware of their own genetic health risks.

Fact! Our body does require additional support through appropriate supplementation, especially after the age of 25. However, there is a place for properly supplementing our natural energy storage when it has been depleted as well as a time to supplement correctly when we are in a time of recovery from intense training. This type of supplementation is not likely to be found next to the cigarette lighters and Slim Jims at the register of 7-11. This type of supplementation should be done at the cellular level and is addressed in the “Cheers…” article in this month’s newsletter. Next month we will unveil some exciting new products at the Boston Bodyworker. Until than, if you find yourself needing to spike your energy to power through the last part of a day, try going for a brisk 20 minute walk, dropping down and doing a few sets of push ups or even performing some random acts of kindness such as giving out a few hugs. These actions will naturally trigger your own neurochemistry and activate neurochemicals such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and endorphins, all endogenous to us and readily available when appropriately requested.

Last and certainly not least, get some sleep. The over-caffeinating of our society has led to an all time spike in our nations insomnia rates. Coincidence? No, it’s not your pillow, your bed, your husbands snoring, stress at work, stress at home, stress, stress, stress…. it’s likely the fact that you have altered your sleep cycles due to these synthesized spikes of energy. Lack of quality sleep will yield a depleted storage of energy to have at your daily disposal.

Start 2015 off the right way and get in touch with how your body can supply you with the right amount of energy to make this the most productive and healthy year to date.

Sprain vs. Strain; What’s the Difference?

Sprain vs. Strain; What’s the Difference? So you think you might have sprained or strained something. How do you know which it is, and does it matter? You’ve heard the two terms your entire life, but did you know that there is not only a major difference between them, there are also varying grades and…

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Complimentary Consultations for Members

As we unveil the newest membership perk at The Boston Bodyworker, our Recovery Lounge, we wanted to reach out to our members to introduce them to one of its many features; Me! As the owner of The Boston Bodyworker, my goal is to help people ‘feel better’. However, that means different things to all of…

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Life Hack: Vagus Nerve Stimulation

As I discussed in our March Newsletter, Vagus nerve stimulation has the potential to help those suffering from various health conditions, including but certainly not limited to anxiety disorders, heart disease, some forms of cancer, poor circulation, leaky gut syndrome, Alzheimer’s, memory and mood disorders, migraines and headaches, fibromyalgia, obesity, tinnitus, addiction, autism and autoimmune…

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Sleep In This Weekend

Raise your hand if your sleepy right now? Great! Now, put your hand down because your boss is wondering why you’re raising a hand at work. Even if you can’t physically acknowledge that you are sleepy, we have some exciting news that we know you’ll want to stay awake for. It turns out, that getting…

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30 Day Challenges

Over the past few years, I have been seeing and uptick in these 30 day challenges. Being in the industry as long as I have, I immediately have issue with any workout that is done every day. The science is as clear as crystal. The days off are where the magic of tissue remodeling and…

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Life Hack: Close Your Windows

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The Power of Suggestion

We have all heard the term “Placebo”. A placebo is a treatment that decreases symptoms only because the client imagines a benefit, not because the treatment itself has any effect. For example, a sugar pill can be a placebo that will improve a headache only if the person taking the pill has an expectation that…

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Is All Knee Pain Created Equal?

As a massage therapist, it is outside our scope of practice to diagnose any condition we see. However, that does not prevent us from evaluating, assessing and working off this information. Often, we have patients who come in with a “google-osis”, meaning they just googled something like “knee pain” looked for whatever symptoms seemed to…

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Members Recovery Lounge

At The Boston Bodyworker, we are constantly motivated to honor our mission to help you “Feel Better”. Coming this April, we are delighted to unveil our newest membership advantage; our Recovery Lounge. Members will enjoy a dedicated space….exclusive access to a private/semi-private room that has been transformed into a place for you to arrive early…

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Life Hack: Yellow Mustard to Reduce Cramps

Runners are always seeking an edge, especially on race days. Well, the biggest running race of the season is creeping up quickly and the only thing that will creep up faster are cramps along the marathon route. Have no fear, we have a simple solution for you; Yellow Mustard! That’s right, mustard Seeds of its…

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